
Friday, December 11, 2009

Just for fun

We got Reese a hat to keep his head and ears warm. It came from his dept., but I think he still needs to grow into it. Don't you?

First Christmas

This year is Reese's first christmas. We are having so much fun getting ready for it. We have decorated the house outside, the tree and the house inside. I don't think he quite knows what to think about all of it. We found a Santa hat to fit him at Hobby Lobby and it almost doesn't fit. We even picked out his first ornament over the weekend. We wanted to get all of this done before Evan had to go out of town again so he wouldn't miss anything. We even got the Santa picture made. It was so much fun. Reese was great and didn't cry a bit, until he was hungry.

Growing up too fast

Well my baby is 4 months old today. My other baby will be 10 years old in 9 days. Where does the time go? Reese is doing so much now. He is smiling, laughing, grabbing everything and even playing in new toys.

Playing Dress-up

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I can do it!!!

Over the weekend Reese decided to try to get his paci in his mouth all by himself. He managed to do it at 3:30 in the morning, but when I woke Evan up to see he didn't want to do it anymore. Of course!! Here is a video of him trying so hard to do it again later that day. Enjoy!

Growing too fast

I can't believe how big both of my kids are getting. Sidney will be 10 years old in one month. Double Digits!!! That is so weird to me. Seems like she just got here. And speaking of just getting here, Reese is already 3 months old. Where does the time go?

Friday, November 6, 2009

What do you mean I have been tagged?

So my friend Rebecca tagged me in her blog. I had no idea what this meant. So, of course I asked here when I got back to work. I thought Duh, Beth!!! after she explained it.

so here are the rules:
you can only use one word!
pass this along to 6 of your favorite bloggers! alert them that you have given them this award! have fun!

1. where is your cell phone? pocket
2. your hair? blondish
3. your mother? creative
4. your father? unusual
5. your favorite food? lasagna
6. your dream last night? dream?
7. your favorite drink? mocha
8. your dream/goal? family
9. what room are you in? cubbie
10. your hobby? rearranging
11. your fear? abduction
12. where do you want to be in 6 years? alive
13. where were you last night? home
14. something that you aren’t? murderous
15. muffins? AWESOME!!!
16. wish list item? clothes
17. where did you grow up? leeds (alabama)
18. last thing you did? ads
19. what are you wearing? jeans
20. your tv? sony
21. your pets? fish
22. friends? Amazing
23. your life? eventful
24. your mood? confused
25. missing someone? always
26. vehicle? broken
27. something you’re not wearing? heels
28. your favorite store? target
29. your favorite color? pink
30. when was the last time you laughed? earlier
31. last time you cried? wednesday
32. your best friend? evan
33. one place that I go to over and over? camp (in my heart)
34. one person who emails me regularly? caroline
35. favorite place to eat? surin

Ok so I broke the rules and only tagged three bloggers.

Pictures of Reese

He is growing up too fast. These are some pics I took with my phone during our time at tome together.

Baker Farm Pumpkin Patch

We went to Baker Farm on October 17, with our friends the Fordhams. It was so much fun. Sidney, Evan and I had been before, but this was Reese's first time, obviously. It was too wet to do the corn mazes and such, but we still did the hay ride to get our pumpkins and saw all the barn yard animals. Here are a couple of pictures from the day. The two little girls are Brooke and Lily Fordham, two of the three Fordham triplets.

AM I too old?

So this year while I was out on maternity leave, I participated in an Alumni Majorette Reunion. I belong to a web site about my alma mater Leeds High School. There are all sorts of groups to be a part of: Band, Majorettes, Class of, In Memory and so on. The founder of the majorette site thought it would be a lot of fun if we did a performance at a home foot ball game. Iy has been a while since LHS has seen a majorette line perform.

When I was in school, we always had at least 3 or 4 on the squad. We our alumni group got together and started sharing stories, the days past seemed like a lot of fun. They always had a big squad and would go to camp every year and bring home a trophy for being the best. Our camps always consisted of going in the gym and learning a routine. Oh well.

We thought it would be cool to perform at Homecoming, but by the time we got together it was only 3 weeks away. Not enough time for some of us to get our joints unsqueaky to perform a routine. So one of the ladies that is good at making up routines and pushing people got a routine going. We met for practices twice a week and started looking like a majorette squad. It was so much fun. We had ladies from 2008 all the way back to 1968 (graduating year). some wanted to twirl more than others, but we all had a good time.

So on October 9, 2009, the big day had finally arrived. We were set to perform with the band at half time on the field in front of a big crowd. Yikes!!! We only did one song on the field and a fight song on the track in front of everyone. They cheered louder than any of us expected. Everyone loved it. We keep getting praise from all sorts of people. We are already thinking about next year.

I know I am no good at this

I should update my blog regularly. I know it's been a couple weeks since I last blogged. Hopefully I will get better and get pictures up sooner. So I am gonna do some posts about past things and at least get some pictures up. Hope you enjoy!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This is it...

No this is not the Michael Jackson movie. This is it... I return to work tomorrow after 10 weeks at home with my beautiful baby boy Reese. It has been so much fun. We have slept, played, gone on trips, cried (his was for food and new diapers though) and so much more. I know I didn't update like I should have and I apologize.

Of course in the past two months we have had two doctors visits. We got great reports both times. This past time Reese weighed in at 10lb 13oz and 23in. A growing boy and he has the appetite to prove it. We have also started smiling in the past few weeks. It is the most precious smile you have ever seen. It can make you laugh and cry (with joy, of course). I can already see a little personality forming. Reese has so many facial expressions and it is fun to see new ones.

His first day of daycare was this past Tuesday. He did great. I took him and hung out for a little while. Then I went and ate lunch with Sidney at her school and then went back and picked Reese up. I took him this morning and he stayed all day which is til 2:30 when my mom gets off work. I came home and cleaned up. I missed him so much, but I know in the long run this will be good for him.

I am worried about tomorrow. I am afraid I will cry. Luckily Rebecca knows what I am going through. It will be good and I will look that much more forward to 5. Hopefully it will be a quick day. I promise I will get some pics up soon.

Ta Ta for now

Sunday, August 9, 2009

2 days left

Well it is Sunday which means I have 2 days until I am induced. We were hoping Reese would make his entrance this weekend, but nothing yet. We have talked to him, told him about all the people ready to meet him and nothing. I did get a little achy yesterday, but I guess it was just some braxton hicks.

I am trying out thos blogging thing from my iPhone. Took a while to get everything set, bit now so far so good.

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

This is me

Ok ... so I have found something else to write about. This is really addictive. I think I know what I will be doing on maternity leave :) Anyways, I thought I would give the picture thing a whirl and put a picture of me now, 6 days before my due date. This picture was taken on Mother's Day by Evan, my husband. I have a more recent picture taken at my baby shower. I am pictured with some of my best friends and of course Sidney and Reese (he's the one in the belly).

so it begins

I have decided to start a blog. Not really sure where to start or even how often I will blog. Mostly it will keep everyone up on things going on with Sidney and Reese. I may add other family tid bits in at times. Of course my big entry will be about the arrival of Andrew Reese. He is scheduled to be here Tuesday, August 11, 2009, if he doesn't arrive before. I have a couple friends that have blogs and they are always entertaining. Mine might not be, just to warn you. Hopefully I will have some followers. I may have something to say between now and Tuesday about life or Reese. We'll have to wait and see.