
Tuesday, July 6, 2010


This is how Reese chills in his pool.

OMG .... This is Fun

Last Christmas my mom bought this airplane for Reese. Of course he was too small for it, but what if she couldn't find it again. Finally, he is big enough to sit on it. We turned it on and OMG. He smiled and laughed the whole time. He mostly stopped the propeller from turning and then when it didn't turn he tried to turn it by hand.

Summer Time Fun

So this weekend we went to the lake to celebrate the 4th. My mom bought Reese the pool pictured above. It was his first time swimming and he loved it. I put him in he Nemo bathing suit and dropped him in. He splashed around with his toys. Then I guess he got a little curious and headed for the side. He stood up in his Mowgli (Jungle Book) stance and started crawling/walking out. Of course he got grass all over him. He later discovered he could crawl back in and that the grass magically disappeared. He had so much fun. For the long periods of time he actually stayed in the pool, he laid back and chilled as seen in first picture.