
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Yum!!!

Reese eating and wearing his 1st Birthday cake

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Reese in one year

Thankful Thursday

So I asked my friend, and mommy blogger, Becca what Thursday's were on blogger and she said Thankful Thursday. So here is mine.

I am very thankful that 1 year ago yesterday I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Reese. We both had a very long day. 14 hours of labor after the induction. Family and friends were coming in all day visiting and what not. I took several naps and ate yummy ice chips. It finally came time for Reese to get here or do a c-section. Me, my doctor, nurses and of course Evan starting working to get Reese out. After only a few pushes he was here. Joy to the World!

Evan was scheduled to cut the cord after the doctor got Reese out and everything. Unfortunately that didn't get to happen. My doctor was spanking Reese a little to get him to cry, but he wasn't. He wasn't even breathing. The doctor called him a "smurf at birth" because he was blue. The rushed him to the warming area and called the breathing team to come quick. Luckily they manage to get Reese breathing and responding before they even got there.

Evan went over to the area with Reese and I could tell he was crying. It was a very emotional and confusing time. He said when he looked over at me I was so calm and didn't look worried as if I knew everything would be ok. He said it calmed him back down. He said there was just a peace about me.

We had already called the family to come down the hall, but had to push that back a few minutes. When they would finally come in we told them what had happened, but that everything was fine. When everyone saw Reese he was pink, happy and crying.

So what am I thankful for on this Thursday and everyday?
That God allowed me and Evan to keep our new born baby boy and have a wonderful year with him so far and hopefully so many more to come.

About the header

All of the pictures used in my header are the iPhone pictures I took throughout Reese's first year of life. They are mostly of him, but also include Sidney, Evan, my mom and dad and myself. I got teary eyed looking back through them.

My New Design

So I finally came up with a new design. I got the idea when I wanted to put a collage of photos on my desk top similar to Becca's screen saver. I googled "How to make a collage in photoshop and up popped a site for Shape Collage. It is so much fun. I made a collage of pictures from Reese's first year in the shape of his name and that's where I got the idea to make Keller and voila, I have a header and button. I hope you like it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Birthday, Reese

Happy First Birthday Reese!!!
Yes, it has been a whole year since our Little Buddy got here. What a year it has been too. He has grown so much and it seems too fast. I have pictures to prove it, but I can't believe it's already here.

This morning we looked confused as we sang to him and opened his cards from family. We sent snacks and treat bags with juice and animal crackers to his class. Yum!! I know he won't remember it, but I hope it is a great birthday.

Happy Birthday, Little Guy!!

We managed to have him hold still for a couple of pictures.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Change is good ... I hope

So I changed the name of my blog to My Keller Life. I have been wanting/needing a change for a while now and so I did it. My header and button still say Flip Flop Mom and as soon as I come up with a new one that will change too. I am excited about this change. I was never crazy about my name anyways. I just picked it so I could get a blog going. Lame. I know. So keep your fingers crossed for me that I can change the look too.