
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Happy New Year

Hi all. Those of you who actually still check my blog (if there is anybody) thanks for checking in. Yes, I know. Shocking that I am writing a post since I didn't write ANY last year. Wow! I am really behind. I have decided to get back to updating my blog with things about our family. Maybe I'll even get some subscribers.

A lot has happened since I last wrote. In a nutshell here are some of the updates.

My oldest is now 13 years old. Wow! Where has the time gone. This past Thanksgiving she broke her ankle roller skating and got braces in the same week. Wowzer! She was a champ through it all. She did get her cast off before her birthday so that was awesome so she could enjoy her party. She also participated in the UAB Honor Band and made 13th chair Clarinet in the Gold Band. I was SO excited. That is the same band I was in my first year. She is in 7th grade this year. This weekend she will be participating in the LMS Pageant again. Fingers crossed.

My youngest is 3 years old. He is getting so big and so smart everyday. He has new favorite words and phrases popping up all the time. Right now he is running around saying "awkward." Sometimes the situations in which he says it are appropriate and I am like "what?" He ran through the kitchen the other morning with he pj pants hiked up to his belly button yelling "I'm Ferb, I'm Ferb." He was referring to the character on Phineas and Ferb. It was so sophisticated and funny. He is such a mess.

Last July I left my job of 8 years at Luckie and Co. here in Birmingham. I loved the company, but Evan and I decided it was time for me to make a change for me and my family. Now I am a stay at home mom and I have really loved it so far. I don't have to ask for the day off to take my daughter to the doctor and that is awesome. I usually hang around the house with Evan as he works from the house. I can take both kids to school everyday and pick them up. I don't have to miss so much of their lives.

I guess that is enough for now. I promise to update more often. Thanks for reading.


  1. Yea!! Welcome back! And now you have time to write more (hint hint)

    Majorette Hugs!!

  2. I'm reading, so keep those blog posts coming:)
